Finally a “How to Subnet” blog that is easy to understand with real life scenarios. This blog is going to focus on the primary objective which is to TEACH you how to subnet the quickest and easiest way possible and even take it a step further by showing you real life examples.
First off, to understand any solution even if the solution is provided by someone else you must first understand the whole problem. If i just gave you a number, lets say the number 22. How did I derive at that number? Did I add 11+11 or did I add 7+15? None the less, understanding the problem is going to ultimately help you understand how I provided you with the correct solution. This not only applies to subnetting but also everything in life.
So lets take a little journey back in time to the early days of the internet. Back when IPv6 was still considered classful. To understand what classful is, you first need to understand a little binary so lets tackle that first.
Computers operate by executing chucks of data in binary. Binary in a nutshell is a 1 or 0. On or Off, Voltage or No Voltage… Beer or no beer… haha jk
A bit which is a single 1 or 0 is the smallest numerical value a computer can use. A byte which is a collection of 8 Bits is what defines the decimal notation.
Back to binary, Lets take 8 sections. |X|X|X|X|X|X|X|X| Each one of these X’s have a special value. Take a look again below how that value is derived;
So if we want to make the number 22 in Binary, you would add a 1 to the places that add up to 22 but a 0 in other spots.
00010110 = 16+4+2 = 20
The same concept applies to larger numbers all the way up to 255 which is all 1’s and starting with 0 which is all 0’s.
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